Investing For Long Term Wealth Creation

Agilith Capital delivers exceptional performance for clients through a disciplined process of fundamental analysis and a deep understanding of the drivers of long-term value.

Superior Performance

We have generated industry leading performance with top decile rankings among North American equity funds.

Our flagship fund, the Agilith North American Diversified Fund was launched in October 2007, amidst some of the most volatile markets of our generation and through the turmoil, we have kept our focus on fundamentals and used sell offs as opportunities to build our clients’ wealth.

Our fund that is eligible for registered accounts, the Agilith Long Only Fund mirrors the long positions of the Agilith NAD Fund without the use of short positions or leverage, delivering a lower volatility product for retirement and education savings.

Recognized Industry Experience

With each of the investment professionals having in excess of three decades of experience, the Agilith team has seen many investment cycles and has learned the long-term value of a maintaining a steady hand through turbulent times.

Our disciplined process of focusing on fundamentals and valuation while having a deep understanding the impact of broader market themes has allowed us to identify great investment opportunities even in the midst of turbulence.

Solutions For Complex Financial Goals


Focused on North American equities, the NADF Fund employs disciplined strategies to deliver reliable growth and manage risk effectively.

North American Diversified Fund


Designed to mimic the long book of the flagship NAD Fund, The Agilith Long Only Fund has exposure to key businesses that we expect to generate substantial value creation over time without the use of leverage or short positions. The Agilith LOF is suitable for registered accounts.

Long Only Fund


Our bespoke portfolio management service offers customized financial strategies tailored to your unique investment objectives.

Private Client Services

True Client Alignment

We only invest in our funds, alongside our clients and do not hold any other public securities or funds. We have the most optimal fee structure from the perspective of client alignment. We strive to deliver outstanding client service and communications in all market cycles.

Recognized For Excellence in Investment Management

Agilith Capital is proud to be acknowledged for our commitment to innovation, exceptional performance, and client satisfaction. These awards reflect our dedication to delivering industry-leading investment solutions and unparalleled service.